Aug 23, 2011 – Mosquito Treatment Sites


Regarding mosquito dunks and mosquito bits, can those be used commercially as well as residentially?


This is going to depend a bit on how you are allowed to interpret the product Labels, and by this I mean that some states may be much more stringent and require that each and every site specifically be listed on the Label. So many of our professional products will purposely have very general wording with regard to the pests and the sites, and this is done by the manufacturer expressly for the purpose of allowing a broad use. In the case of the mosquito "dunks" ( B.T.I. Briquests that Univar carries) the label states that the product can be used "in all types of mosquito breeding areas". To many this could be a statement allowing the use of this product without restrictions on the site - pond, creek, stagnant water, abandoned pool, tree hole, etc., and either residential or commercial should seem to be okay.

However, on this particular Label it also then gives specific instructions on uses around "households" as well as waste water treatment plants. To some this may suggest that these are the only sites allowed. I personally suggest that you consult with the local regulatory agency that oversees your work and who would be the ones to inspect you or enforce compliance with Labels. Since they are the regulating body they would be the ones to say yay or nay regarding the use of a product, and they may look at this and its active ingredient of bacteria and tell you that in their opinion you could use it any danged place you want where mosquitoes are breeding. It may also be with the packaging of "dunks" that this is meant more to be a retail product for home use, but it also is a very convenient package for the professional for small uses as well.

The Mosquito Bits I am not certain on, and am not sure it even exists anymore. Univar has virtually no inventory left on this particular product and the alternative would be Altosid granules which are not available in that small 1 lb shaker bottle. But, the Altosid granules are labeled for virtually any kind of site, commercial or residential, so if you do mosquito management this might be the product of choice where granules are the preferred formulation. It is labeled for everything from small containers holding water to marshes, pools, treeholes, septic tanks and even crypts.

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