Jun 13, 2012 – Pyrethroids On The Cruise Ships


How will the new 2012 pyrethroid label requirements affect pest control done on board large ships? Can pyrethroids still be used on open decks?


I would say the answer will be no, pyrethroids would not be allowed for use on exterior decking that would be exposed to rainfall or washing that could then allow that product to enter the water around the ship. The new pyrethroid wording states that it is intended for use of pyrethroids on "man-made structures", and certainly ships and other kinds of boats or "vessels" would be man made structures. So, without offering too many specific kinds of structures we have to assume the new restrictions would include ships. 

The best way to look at this is probably to observe where the material is being applied, and whether or not that surface will be subject to rainfall or irrigation or some other manner of water getting on it that is then likely to run off that surface. The EPA does distinguish between "impervious" surfaces such as decks and driveways versus surfaces such as lawns or soils where the spray treatment will be able to be absorbed and to stay put. Further, if that soil or turf is already saturated with water and is on any slope then it is likely the added water of a pesticide spray will run off the surface and end up in a gutter or creek. I'd swear you could fish for salmon in some of the gutters around my city where sprinklers are aimed poorly or operate for so long that the water is simply flowing off the landscape and into the gutter and then quickly into the local creeks. 

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