Jun 10, 2012 – Retreating And Labels


Do they class a spot treatment on the outside of a premises with Termidor as part of the two treatments a year? If I have treated a foundation and in between the first and second treatments per year I find trailing ants, can we spot treat them? It does not say anything on the label about it so thought I would ask the question.


Label interpretation is always a delicate issue, and I suggest it is best to err on the side of caution. The Termidor label states rather bluntly "DO NOT exceed the maximum of two applications per year". Since it does not modify this restriction in any way I suggest that if you were to make ANY application on the exterior of a structure that is an "application", and two of these in any calendar year is the limitation. It does not necessarily mean that you could go back a third time and treat surfaces that were not actually sprayed on the first or second applications. This is such an important product for us for ant control that we need to be sure to toe the line and stay within what the Label clearly allows. 

So, for that call back for ants after your first application, if you choose to use Termidor again to resolve this "in between" problem I would say that you now have made your second application, and any plan you had to use it later in the year would be interpreted as a third treatment and now off-label. Better to go with one of the many other products that would be allowed and which also could be very effective for ant management, including baiting in strategic places to allow the ants to take bait into the colony. We do have an up and coming arsenal of other non-repellent insecticides, some of which seem also to offer a decent transfer effect, that help us with ant control. 

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