Jun 15, 2012 – Seek out the Source


What are the best IPM methods to deal with a moderate to heavy infestation of Red and confused flour beetles in a warehouse?


In a word, the IPM for food pests in just about any setting is "seek out the source". Stored food pests do their damage for the most part as the larvae, and these are going to be within the infested food or package. Until you discover that infested material you are not going to have much success using insecticides to try to kill them, other than a complete fumigation. Since these flour beetles usually feed on materials already processed into baking materials or end-use foods you may not even want that infested food to be used further, and it might need to be disposed of. Selling it or using it further with dead bugs in it may be undesirable. 

You may be able to narrow the search for the infested materials using pheromone traps, and there are hanging traps and floor traps designed to catch the adults, since Confused flour beetles cannot fly. You can advise the customer on future prevention with suggestions on stock rotation and sanitation. The sooner food products can be moved in and out of the warehouse the less chance the beetles have to get into them and complete a generation. Spills and other food debris around the warehouse can support the beetles, and in warehouses where food dust is present this could even be accumulations on girders and other above-floor level surfaces. 

But, if there is a current infestation this needs to be found and disposed of quickly. These beetles are very general feeders on any processed foods. Whole grains and seeds are not as likely to be fed upon but even these cannot be ignored.

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