May 28, 2011 – It’s A Rat-Eat-Rat World Out There


What do you think about the use of snap traps in rodent bait stations? Once a dead rat is found by other rats in the station wouldn't they be repelled from the bait box. The B&G equipment company offers a bait box in which the technician can install Detox blox as a food attractant while a professional snap trap is set.


In my opinion the presence of a dead rat probably is not a deterrent to future rats visiting that station, although a carcass in a snap trap inside the station might make it a bit crowded for other rats to comfortably fit inside. Studies indicate that snap traps already soiled by the bits and pieces of trapped rodents are actually a bit more attractive to other rats, although this does need to be tempered with good sanitation. Even though a well-used trap might draw more rats too it you wouldn't want to keep using a filthy trap in an account. I believe we also have seen that rats can be very opportunistic when it comes to their brothers and sisters, and a dead rodent could well just be viewed as a new and available food resource. I'm not sure there is any feeling of comraderie amongst rats and mice, even though they may live together in groups. Placing snap traps inside enclosed and tamper-resistant stations does accomplish some very positive things. It puts that trap within a station that rodents seem likely to investigate, and perhaps helps them get trapped before they recognize the presence of this new "thing" in their environment. The station also hides the trap from view of people who either might mess with the trap (a dog or child getting a nose or fingers in the trap), as well as hiding it from view when the rodent is captured. As much as your customers may hate the rats they still do not want to see them trapped, especially if the rat is not killed instantly. The use of traps still should involve the frequent inspection to remove dead rodents and reset the traps if necessary. Flies will find the dead rodent within a very short time and begin the business of decomposition, and this leads to unbearable odors and more flies (and wandering maggots). You also are generally obligated by laws to check animal traps quickly to ensure you avoid causing suffering to trapped animals. Like it or not there is a whole society of people out there who hate us for killing rats. If the nontoxic rodent bait is being used only as an attractant to lure rodents into the trap then other attractants might work even better, such as Provoke or Trapper Jack's. These can be placed directly on the trap to encourage the rodent to investigate the trap itself, rather than the block that may be secured in a separate compartment.

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