May 30, 2012 – Arachnid Relatives


What is the spider that looks like a scorpion?


It may actually be the other way around, particularly since you are in Arizona. You may be referring to the Solpugid, also called a sun scorpion, wind scorpion, sun spider, or erroneously in the Middle East the camel spider. This last name came equipped with a fairy tale listing of the horrors of this beast in the Middle East, stating it was 3 feet long, could run 25 mph, and was eating soldiers. The reality is that the  largest species probably get no longer than maybe 5 inches, and that is with their legs stretched out. In Arizona I myself have found one nearly 4 inches long with legs stretched out front and back, but the body is rarely longer than 2 inches. 

The proper name for these relatives of scorpions is Solpugids, and they are non-venomous and in some cases even incapable of biting people. They are equipped with strong tearing mandibles and a very aggressive personality, and are highly efficient predators that will eat just about any other arthropod, and thus they are highly beneficial and should be preserved and enjoyed. A landscaped yard is better off with them than without them. They have the 4 pairs of legs of spiders and scorpions, but their palps (the equivalent of the claws on true scorpions) are very long and extend out in front, looking much like another pair of legs. So, in your case it may be a scorpion that looks a lot like a spider. 

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